E8331RJS4_WE is a Schneider Electric AvatarOn telephone socket with 1 gang for communication.
It is 86 mm in width, 86 mm in height, 40.7 mm in depth.
And its rated current is 1.5A.
The dielectric strength level, namely the voltage that the material this telephone socket uses can withstand for a given wall thickness before dielectric breakdown or electrical discharge, is 1000V.
Its matching mounting box can be recessed into the surface of the wall with flush type.
It takes your safety into consideration all the time as it is shuttered.
The telephone socket is made of PC (polycarbonate), making it as resistant as possible.
Also, being environment-friendly, this device reached UV resistant.
What's more, it well satisfied the standard of ASTMD4566-98, TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1.
It reaches IP20 degree of protection too.
AvatarOn offers six fashionable, classic appearances, letting your home's details change, just like the changes in your colorful life.
Unique, patented technology and exquisite manufacturing ensure comfortable operation, and the easy-mount design allows you to change the faceplates as quickly and easily as you wish.
Range | AvatarOn |
Product/Component Type | Saklar, Stop Kontak & Aksesoris |
Device Application | Communication |
Number of Gangs | 1 gang |
Colour tint | White |
Communication Network Category | Voice: 3 |
Material | PC _polycarbonate): housing Polycarbonate: plastic part |
Device Mounting | SurfaceFlush |